WORLDPAC Training Institute
WTI Business Calculators
Does my business need management training?
Fill in the information from your business and see how you compare to the industry standards
Effective Hourly Rate
Effective hourly rate is what you actually bill your customers per hour. It is not necessarily what your "Posted hourly rate" is.
Technician Productivity
Technician productivity is how well you manage your labor inventory (technician time) the standard in the industry is between 85-90%.
How much do you need to sell to break even?
To calculate total sales needed to break even be sure to:
Include all expenses & include technician wages. (Wages only, no benefits)
If you are considering adding any expenses such as a service advisor, add the new expense to the total and find your new sales number, as the gross profit percentage will not change.
*Note gross profit percentage not dollars.
Gross Profit Margin - Labor
Gross profit on labor. Cost of labor is all technician wages only. (No benefits or taxes etc.) Industry standard is 70%
Gross Profit Margin - Parts
Gross profit on parts. Industry standard is 50%